pro-, por-, pur-
(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward, forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; according to; as, to place before; to go before or forward, to throw forward)
A person who supports or is in favor of terminating pregnancies: Many proabortionists maintain that terminating a woman's pregnancy, although not a preferred family planning method, has always been used by women to gain control over their pre-birth conditions.
According to one view of proabortionists, women must have a safe and legal access to stopping their pregnancies because without this availability, women may use unsafe and illegal procedures that can result in serious injuries or death.
proactive (adjective), more proactive, most proactive
A reference to an action or a person that acts in advance to deal with an upcoming change or problem: Susan took proactive measures by saving some money each month for times when she needed it quickly.
Either early flowering or the first flower to open of an inflorescence.
1. The likelihood of something occurring: The probability of the condo having increased in value is assumed since it has been recently renovated.
2. The most plausible or feasible possibility: There is a probability that the coronavirus will continue to affect the economy of the country.
3. A measure of how conceivable it is that some occurrence will take place: The probability of it snowing is about 50%.
2. The most plausible or feasible possibility: There is a probability that the coronavirus will continue to affect the economy of the country.
3. A measure of how conceivable it is that some occurrence will take place: The probability of it snowing is about 50%.
probable (adjective), more probable, most probable
1. Likely to occur or to be true: Jack said, "Our basketball team will be the probable winner of the tournament!"
2. Possible but unsure; plausible: It is certainly probable that it will snow in two days.
3. Capable of having more evidence for than against, or having evidence that inclines the mind to a belief but leaves some room for doubt: Jack presumed it was probable that the store would be open at 10 am, but he wasn't sure.
2. Possible but unsure; plausible: It is certainly probable that it will snow in two days.
3. Capable of having more evidence for than against, or having evidence that inclines the mind to a belief but leaves some room for doubt: Jack presumed it was probable that the store would be open at 10 am, but he wasn't sure.
probably (adverb), more probably, most probably
1. Concerning how something is considered to be certain and without much doubt; very likely to be: The sky is covered with clouds and it is quite stormy outside, so it will probably rain.
Jane said, "I tried calling up Susan, but she didn't answer the phone, so she is probably out shopping."
2. Pertaining to how something is easy to believe on the basis of available evidence: Since Jack is respected among his colleagues and has the qualifications, he will probably be elected for the new position in the firm.
"Before-the-Bactrian lizard" from Early Cretaceous China and Mongolia.
Named by Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky in 1966.
1. The act of proving that an instrument purporting to be a will was signed and executed in accord with legal requirements.
2. A judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate.
3. To establish the legal validity of (wills and other documents).
2. A judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate.
3. To establish the legal validity of (wills and other documents).
1. A method of dealing with offenders; especially, young people who are guilty of minor crimes or first offenses, by allowing them to go at large under supervision of a probation officer.
2. The state of having been conditionally released by a court.
3. A trial period or condition for students in certain educational institutions who are being permitted to redeem failures, misconduct, etc.
4. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
5. The testing or trial of a candidate for membership in a religious body or order, for holy orders, etc.
6. A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.
7. In law: The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom with the promise of good behavior.
8. A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.
2. The state of having been conditionally released by a court.
3. A trial period or condition for students in certain educational institutions who are being permitted to redeem failures, misconduct, etc.
4. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
5. The testing or trial of a candidate for membership in a religious body or order, for holy orders, etc.
6. A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.
7. In law: The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom with the promise of good behavior.
8. A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.
1. Someone who is released on probation or on parole>
2. A nurse (or other employee) in training who is undergoing a trial period.
2. A nurse (or other employee) in training who is undergoing a trial period.
probe (verb), probes; probed; probing
1. The act of exploring or searching with or as if with a device or instrument.
2. To delve into; to investigate.
2. To delve into; to investigate.
An association of two organisms that enhances the life processes of both.
1. A question or situation that presents doubt, uncertainty, perplexity, or difficulty.
2. A question proposed for solution or discussion.
3. In mathematics: A statement requiring a solution, usually by means of a mathematical operation or geometric construction.
4. Someone who is difficult to deal with.
5. Difficult to train or guide; unruly; such as, a problem child.
6. In literature: Dealing with choices of action difficult either for an individual or for society at large.
7. "No problem", used as a conventional reply to a request or to express confirmation, affirmation, or gratitude.
8. Etymology: "a difficult question proposed for solution", from Old French problème (14c.); from Latin problema, from Greek problema, "a problem, a question"; literally, "thing put forward"; from proballein, "propose"; from pro-, "forward" + ballein, "to throw".
2. A question proposed for solution or discussion.
3. In mathematics: A statement requiring a solution, usually by means of a mathematical operation or geometric construction.
4. Someone who is difficult to deal with.
5. Difficult to train or guide; unruly; such as, a problem child.
6. In literature: Dealing with choices of action difficult either for an individual or for society at large.
7. "No problem", used as a conventional reply to a request or to express confirmation, affirmation, or gratitude.
8. Etymology: "a difficult question proposed for solution", from Old French problème (14c.); from Latin problema, from Greek problema, "a problem, a question"; literally, "thing put forward"; from proballein, "propose"; from pro-, "forward" + ballein, "to throw".
problematic (adjective), more problematic, most problematic
1. A reference to the doubtful, uncertain, or questionable nature of a condition or a situation: Economic claims for future investments are often problematic presentations that do not turn out to be accurate.
2. Pertaining to a problem; difficult to solve: A repair of Karen's car proved more problematic than first expected.
3. Not settled; unresolved or dubious: Jonathan has a problematic future as a computer expert.
4. Etymology: from Greek problematikos and from Latin problematicus, "relating to a problem."

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2. Pertaining to a problem; difficult to solve: A repair of Karen's car proved more problematic than first expected.
3. Not settled; unresolved or dubious: Jonathan has a problematic future as a computer expert.
4. Etymology: from Greek problematikos and from Latin problematicus, "relating to a problem."

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1. Posing a problen.
2. Open to doubt; debatable.
3. Making great mental demands.
4. Hard to comprehend or solve.
2. Open to doubt; debatable.
3. Making great mental demands.
4. Hard to comprehend or solve.